Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2001

I'm not sure of which week you're visiting in Texas.  If you're gone the letter will be waiting for you.

Barb is busy with the TV remote.  Reason:  Nascar racing, men's skating world's finals, Pittsburgh hockey & tennis.  As of now I'm watching Nascar racing but at 2:30 I'll change to golf to see how Tiger Woods is doing.  He climbed to 2nd place after a slow start.

Last Mon it was just Hollertzs, Bensons, and me.  We had a great time; Five Forks is a nice place & the buffet very good.  It was a beautiful day for a drive.

Fri. aft. Barb & I went to Jamestown.  I got a card for Arlene Hornstrom's birthday & I wrote a note to enclose in her card.  I found a short sleeved sweater at Sears that I liked.  We almost didn't' go into Sears but I wanted to use the rest room.  As we entered Barb looked at blouses & found 2 she liked.  I looked around & thanks to another customer who was looking at the sweater, I noticed it.  They were on piles on a shelf, not out where you could really see them.  I really like it & bot it.

Viola Seaquist told me today she will be 90 this year.  She still drives in Warren & is in church every Sun. & active.  It's not bad to be going on 90 if you are active & have your mind.

Forgot to say Bensons have a new Dodge van.  It is so nice & rides well.  Navy blue.  This summer they'll stay home.  It is hard for Pat to walk.  The past few summers they went to Sweden; then Norway: & last summer Germany.  Also an Alaskan cruise.

When Dale went back to work on Thurs. he had to check a transmission on a new van.  He got it out & the reason was a bad part.  He had to put it back together so they could get credit from the Co.  Then he had to take a transmission out of another new van & put it in the first van.  When they order & get a new transmission he'll have to put it back into the 2nd van.

Once when we went to Synod at Greenville, Warren H. got us to skip the aft. session & we went to Sharon & had lunch at the Quaker Steak & Lube.  An interesting place to eat but we didn't have time for any other sightseeing.

Dale said I could use his computer but I don't have much desire yet.  He is still learning about the computer himself.  But I don't think the E Book would interest me.  I like to sit in different places to read like the front porch in the summer.  And i like to walk to the library & look thru the books.  Sometimes I even find a new author.  It sounds like quite a process to learn & conquer.

I got a new jigsaw puzzle I'm working on.  It's calling me now!

Mon AM.  It's really snowing.  Barb will mail.

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