Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday, December 23, 2000

I'll start a letter & keep adding to it.  We are having COLD weather but I still walked to get my hair done.  My new jacket keeps me warm & I use the hood to keep the breezes out of my neck.

Yesterday they had their pot luck lunch at Shults & Dale has to bring rolls -- I made 70 of them.  He took 40, Barb put 4 on a tray she made for Lynn & Bob, I I bro't 2 each plus a few cookies to the 5 when I get my hair done.  They are all so nice & friendly.  The few left went into the freezer.  I made several kind of cookies.  Barb wanted to give something to Lynn & she has "everything" so I suggested a cooky tray.  Barb found a Christmas plate at Bon Ton 1/2 half price & it is so pretty.  So she made up a plate.  Lynn doesn't make cookies -- maybe some from Pillsbury mix, & Scott loves "Torey cookies" & others so I knew a cooky plate would go over with Scott and Bob.

Your pkg. arrived on Thurs.  Imagine it -- Dale has his packages wrapped & under the tree.  He is on the ball this year.

He got a Bush desk for his computer thru a fellow at work.  His wife works at the factory & got it cheaper thru her.  Now he has to put it together & figure out how to rearrange his room to fit it in.  It is 70" long.  The pieces look nice.  T hey said to assembly all the pieces on the floor & work from there.  Should take about 4 hours to assemble it.

Christmas Eve day Lar & Kim always go to Moran's around 4 pm.  It is "Young" Bob's 49th birthday.  Then they come here & we'll eat between 6:30-7 pm.  Saw a recipe for an egg nog pie & will try it, using egg nog from the store.  Before the egg (raw) deal I used to make it & I love it.  Commercial should be just as good.  Plan to make the strawberry salad & want to make dinner rolls so I'd better get started.

2:10 Sat.  I'm ready to sit awhile.  Tonite we're having soup for supper so got it started.  Made dinner rolls & a coffee bread.  Made my crust for my 1 crust Egg Nog Pie.  Uses Knox gelatin.  Have the pecan pie in the oven.  We can have that tonite -- with 21 pies & Kim not eating dessert there will be plenty of pie -- plus cookies & candy.

Dale rigged up a remote control for the Christmas tree.  Works great.

Barb & I got Dale a bedside table & Kim got a lamp for it.  Now I wonder if there will be room for it when the computer is there.  Think I told you Dale got 2 lamps but they are smaller & wouldn't work as well for reading.   Kim wondered about another lamp but it can always be used.  Kim is here.  More later.

Kim had a hair cut today & the man who does it (Beauty Shop - Jamestown) is always after her to have her hair straightened ($125.00).  She told him my husband would never pay for it.  His daughter straightened her hair as a gift -- just to try it out.  She didn't like it -- Lar came & he tho't it was nice until he heard how much it cost.  Then he liked the natural better.  Kim invited us over next Thurs. for dinner.  We haven't seen the new floor or rug.  I like the idea of having someone else make the meal.

Thanks for the pictures of the boys' rooms.  They look very nice.

Yes, I used to use the rubber rings on rugs but they never worked that good.  Don't they have a spray to put on rugs so they don't slip & slide.  You might find rings during canning season.

Had a card from Gerald & Darla.  Gerald wrote a note  -- He was 60 in 2000 & retired from his civil service job.  They are thinking of building a home at the lake-- Spread Eagle -- next year.  It would be a drastic change for Darla after living all her life in Texas.

Barb didn't like how she looked on the Christmas card but I think it was a nice family card.

In Ruth's card she said something about Joan having brain surgery & she is doing OK.  Will soon be going back to work starting with 1/2 days.  Joan has had more bad luck.

Heard from Gen today & she isn't ready.  They go to Edith's for Christmas Eve & to Gen & Ed's Christmas Day.  Ed got a beautiful Christmas tree (not real, naturally) when he retired but they don't put it up & if they do, it's put up for Christmas Eve & taken down the day after Christmas.  How can we be so different -- Gen & I.

Mon Tues A.M., Dec. 26.

I knew I'd get mixed up with a holiday on Mon.  Usually clean upstairs on Tues. but I'm taking it easy today.  Barb goes to Bert's today but in the aft.  We'll go to the mall & grocery shopping.  Hoping to find some plastic containers to store Christmas wrap & such.  They are advertised at KMart so we should find some.

"Santa" was very good to all of us.  Lar & Kim got us a white microwave.  But it was damaged on one side.  Kim & neighbor Lois are leaving about now 7:30 AM for Jamestown to find bargains -- Christmas wrap, etc.  Andy they will return the micro which they bo't at Sam's Club.

What pleased me most was Dale.  He has found shopping is fun esp. at Big Lot.  He picked up extra little gifts & wrapped them.  Even Begon Strips for Torey.  Maybe I can ease him into his own shopping.

Barb & I got him a night stand & Kim found a lamp. Then we wondered if it would fit in but he put it by his bed & it looks nice.  He put the computer on the side wall facing Conewango.  Moved one speaker nearer the stereo & the sound is much improved.  He wishes he could crank it up to really hear the sound.  His room looks so nice.

Now he needs to learn about the computer.  Instead of Lar & Kim coming here on Thurs, we are invited over there.  Barb & I haven't seen the new floor or the new rung.  We'll enjoy that.  A little repeat!

Everyone was pleased with their gifts.  Dale really liked the D. Earnhardt shirt -- he liked the V neck style.  Both Lar & Dale were reading their books.

Mealwise I got it right with easy meals.   Pork loin that is always tender & needs only 3/4 hr. to bake.  Christmas Day I had beef loin & that is easy to prepare as well as the trimmings.  Oven baked pot. with beef & they were good.

Lar gave Kim cross country skis & she opened them early so they could ski Sun. aft.  Kim told Barb she could have her old ones.  Barb has some but they stick no matter how she waxes them. She'll take them.

Better bring this to an end.  We all had a very nice Christmas and know you did with the boys.

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