Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sunday, October 15, 2000

I'm in my nighty watching the Mets.  Was watching Yankees at Seattle & Seattle won.

Thanks to Paul & Eddie for a wonderful weekend.  A great start to the decade of the 80's.  Red roses form Eddie & Paul.  The second time in my life I received red roses.  Our dinner Sat. nite was so delicious.  And I'm so lucky to have such great children, daughters-in-law & grandsons.  We enjoyed Eddie so much -- to see how he has grown & he is fun to be with.

I took it easy this afternoon -- even a little nap.  For supper we had left overs.

Gen called this afternoon to wish me Happy Birthday.  I told her all about our weekend.  She was going to call Millie & tell her what I told her.  Plan to write to both of them.

In church today I told Rose I would visit her either this week or next.  It's been a long time since her operation, I should be ashamed I've put it off so long.

I'm excited the Met are hitting the ball & getting some runs.  Timo Perez is such an exciting player.  He won't be going down to the minors after his good showing.

This afternoon I started to make plans for Thanksgiving.  I'm to the stage where it is better or me to have my plans & recipes on hand so I know what I'm doing.  It's fun to make plans.

We might go to the mall on Mon. & get Eddie's Christmas present.  The 3 of us will go in on it so he'll get what he wants.

We'll go to Jamestown on Wed.  And also I have to get a blood test for several things & have to fast.  So I like to get there early in the A.M.  Usually I just need it for thyroid or whatever!  Then I don't have to fast.

I'm eating a Klondike bar -- one of the two in the freezer.  I never remember to check for them when we were at home.  I'll have some at Thanksgiving.

Barb made $82.00 at Lynn's rummage sale.  Lynn made $600.00 at the 2nd sale.  Barb's money will go for her new bed.  Plus we got ride of some things just taking up space.

Don't forget we need suggestions for the boys.

Mon. Oct 16

Paul, noticed you left your "Stepping Stones" here.  You can get it at Thanksgiving, unless you want it earlier.   Historical Soc. issue.

This aft. we went shopping at KMart & got someone's Christmas gift.  He will be a happy guy.  It will be from the 3 of us.

In Brand Names catalog, noticed that the Game Boy that Eddie wants doesn't come our until Oct. 30.

Last nite I watched all of the Mets game so it was after 11 pm when I got to bed.  And then I couldn't get to sleep.  Too much Met excitement.  So again I'm ready for bed & watching TV.  The baseball game isn't on yet & I don't know how long I can stay awake.  Dozed off once already.

Larry was over for a little while late this morning to put more rock, I mean blocks, no bricks, in.  He also had to cut off some of the sidewalk on an angle to get the bricks in.  I hope it will soon be completed so it can be used.

Tues A.M. the 17th

The Mets won & are in the World Series.  Pinch me, am I dreaming.  It was close to midnite when I got to bed -- had to see a little of the celebrating.

But I was up before 7 -- a little before & have the bathroom cleaned 9:30 a.m. & gave my room "a lick & a promise'.  I'm enjoying a cup of coffee (bet you were glad to get home to your coffee, Paul) & resting a bit.  Next I have to take a shower.  Oh yes, I gave the kitchen floor a little swipe with the mop to get rid of Torey's drools.  They really make a spot.  Almost time for "Murder She Wrote" -- 10AM.

This A.M. paper stated they hired the present acting director.  That's good for the library -- they can go forward.

It was nice to talk to JoAnna & Andy on my birthday.  After seeing how Eddie has matured, we are anxious to see Andy in person.  There are so many changes at this time of life.  We look forward to seeing all of you.

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