Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2001

I had to give in & turn the furnace on or freeze.  Even put my flannel nightie on for more warmth.  The electric blanket is on the shelf.  Surely by now, I wouldn't want it.  When will it end.  Then warm humid weather will come so I'd better not complain.

We keep our puzzles & do them again.  Barb brought a harder one down from the attic so I have it on the card table.  This one will go slower.

The Mets finally won a game -- it was on TV.  Also today & Sun. so I'll watch & put a piece of ht puzzle in now & then.  I'll support them no matter how bad they are.  A true fan!  Noticed in the paper that Don Zimmer has a book out.  Guess it was Don Z. being hit that led to the players wearing helmets.

The summer schedules at church starts in June so I'll be going to church for 9:30 services.  Tomorrow is Pentecost so members are asked to bring red geraniums to church & then they will be planted outside.

Last week of school coming up & I bet Kim is looking forward to Fri. as much as Andy & Eddie are.

Bert is back from NYC.  Barb is over there today as Bert is expecting company tomorrow & Barb is doing last minute cleaning.  Bert gave Barb a late birthday gift of $30.00 & she wants to take Barb out to lunch when they can agree on a day.   Maybe in Jamestown.

Bert is still having trouble with her eye after cataract removal.  She drives her car, but only in Warren.  Barb gets groceries for her.


It's only in the 50's today.  The trouble with this weather is -- I like to drink coffee oftener & I like something sweet with it & that doesn't keep my weight down.  Such problems!

You're surly busy with your house.  I bee it looks so nice.  Soon I'll see.  And you have your July party coming up & it will be here before you know it.

St. Paul & First Luth. used to have Bible School together.  This year First Luth. is having Vacation Bible School & St. Paul isn't.  Our attendance is way down.  Dad worked so hard to have a successful church so it is very discouraging to see things going down.  Synod meeting is June 8 & 9 & the delegates will be electing a new Bishop.  Paull Spring is retiring Bishop.  He used to serve St. John in Pleasant Township.

Kim stopped by yesterday.  She gets her hair cut in Jamestown & then they shop.  She went to the one store Dale likes & got accessories for their bedroom at camp.  It's just about completely finished.  Lar was doing the finishing touches.  Kim was hoping to mow the lawn at camp but it's hard to when it showers so much.  Soon she can do it during the day.

Monday June 4

This is Dale's early week so I was up & at chores early.  Change Dale's bed, a load of washing.  Clean the basement shower & the bathroom down there.  Then I dusted downstairs.

Some time ago I received a book from Reader's Digest, the first of 4 & I can't remember getting any info concerning it.  The 2nd book arrived last Sat.  Didn't open it & a little after ( A.M. I walked to the Post Office to send the book back (cost about 20.00 & I didn't want it.)  When it hadn't been opened I dint' have to pay the postage -- they'll collect at the other end.

Then I returned 2 books at the library & got 2 more.  Together Alone by B. Delinsky.  Started reading it & just finished it at 9:15 pm.  It was so good.  Made supper in between -- oh yes I did stop long enough this aft. to make molasses cookies & choc chip.  Her books are so readable.  Set in New England.

Dale is saying her his going to sell his white car & of course the name won't come to me.  Not the El Camino.  Not the Blazer.  Ah, the Monte Carlo!

I'll sign off & mail this Tues.

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