Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2001

Last Wed. I heard the ambulances go up Conewango Ave -- an accident & a sad one for St. Paul.  Gerald "Mac" Young, working on patching a road, was hit by a car.  died on the operating table in Erie.  69 years old. Sons are Craig, Roberts -- Larry's age group.   Mike Brindis, Larry's friend, grew up as Craig's friend.  So Lar & Mike anted to go to the funeral home & I went with them. We went right at 2 pm & already a large group.  Funeral this A.M. at church.  He will be missed at church as he was one you could depend on.  Craig has 5 children & lives in Homestead, Fla.  Robert married Molly Ristau (Dale's age) & they have 2 children & live in Hudson, Ohio.  Mary, naturally, is in shock & it will be difficult for her to have to lose her husband in such a way, never expecting it to happen so fast.

Had a letter from Millie & she had a good summer.  visited Linda at the Cape for a week.  they saw a play.  Went to tea at an English Garden & had cucumber sandwiches, scones, strawberries, & individual chocolate cheese cakes.  Sounds good.

Also they went on a house & garden tour.  Beautiful homes, lawns & gardens overlooking the ocean.

Allan had a family pool party & Millie enjoyed that.

She also had Gen & Edith over for lunch one afternoon.  So she keeps busy & takes good care of herself.

We went to the Mall but Barb forgot her checkbook.  She isn't feeling that good -- upset stomach. I got my pictures from KMart & a few other things.  Now I can see myself as others see me & I know I'm getting old!  Pictures are for the young.  The Starks were missing from the family scenes.  The family pictures are good.  I only got 1 set as you were taking pictures.

It was a big funeral.  Parking lot filled & the one side of Division as well.

The Braves started winning after losing a few.  But not the Mets.  They beat Milwaukee & I guess that knocked them out as they haven't won since.  A lost cause.  Boston fired their manager, but not the Mets.

This weekend is Kim's high school reunion.  Last nite they had a get together at the K of C.  This A.M. golf & Kim & a friend would play.  Tonite dinner, dance at the Club by the library whose name I can't recall.  It came!  The Conewango Club.

Now it's Sun. the 19th.

As I was going to church this A.M. Lar came by walking Torey.  I had to give him some attention & I walked away leaving Torey wondering what was going on.  Usually, when he see Grandma, he gets something to eat.

Yesterday I made banana bread using a new recipe; one that called for orange juice.  It is good.

Vi Seaquist always said she was coming over for a cup of coffee.  At church we often talked about it & today I set a time.  She will come over Wed nite.  We'll have juice & cookies as I think she prefers not to have coffee at nite.  I'll have to decide what cookies to make.  My "Taste of Home" magazines have recipes on peaches & I want to try making peach cobbler & plan to make it for Thurs nite when Lar & Kim come for dinner.  There is also a recipe for peach bread that sounds good -- similar to banana bread.

Monday the 20th.

Got your letter today & was glad to hear that Larry is home in Two Rivers.  Things will move along now he is back in familiar territory.  No place like home. It will be hard to hold him down but he'll know his strengths.

Beaty football team practices in the mornings.  If the doors are opened I can hear the whistle blowing.  I think of Andy, then.

We've had a few drops of rain but are waiting for a real downpour -- it's very dry & the grass is brown.

Dale had his eye exam & there wasn't much change so he only needed 1 contact as the one he has is still OK.   He's getting regular glasses as well.

Kim just left -- she spent 3 hours at school today & is a little upset.  The other Phy Ed teacher resigned to take a year's job teaching at Edinboro.  He's working on his Doctorate & hopes to teach at the college level & couldn't pass up this chance even tho it's just for a year.  It makes it hard for Kim-- this will be the third time for her to "break in" a teacher.  And they're changing her schedule so she'll be teaching all the Health classes & only 2 gym classes & that doesn't make her happy.  They haven't posted the job yet & it is open for 2 weeks, then the interviews so it will be awhile before they hire a teacher, so it will be a substitute if they can find one.  So I guess Kim isn't looking forward to school next week.  She said as soon as there is an opening in Warren, she'll apply for it.

Larry & Kim are going to Erie tomorrow just to get away.  There are still some things she wants to get for school.

Andy's birthday is coming up -- I'll need suggestions for his birthday.

Now it's Wed A.M. 6& I'd better bring this to a close & get it on its way.

All is well with us.

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