Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2001

Yesterday aft. on our way to the Mall, I noticed a new batch of corn on the cob coming in.  On our way home we stopped to pick up a baker's dozen.  It was so good. Will have more today with steaks.

Don't think I mentioned this (sometimes in my mind I think of what to write you) but I didn't know what to make for supper on nite.  Settled on a casserole using ground beef, veggies, kidney beans & noodles. It was good.  The next day for lunch I added bouillon to it & made it soup & it also was tasty.  Think I'll use it for soup by adding more bouillon.  I've heard of hamburger soup but never made it.  Dale liked it.

Did you happen to watch the Mets/Braves game in NYC.  The opening was inspirational.  Good rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.  During the 7th inning stretch & Liza Minnelli sang New York, New York with 5 firemen or policemen behind her.  She was so good & the men were doing a little side step.  Almost a full stadium & Mike Piazza won the game with a home run.  The Major was there & a lot of police & fire people were at the game as guests.  And the Mets gave up a day's pay to go to the Police & Firemen's fund.  It was really a great thing, not only for Met fans but for all people.

Wonder what the Yankees will do to top this, when they play again in NYC.

I got Andy's thank you note.  It sounds like he had a good day.

Which brings to mind Christmas.  And that means suggestions.  Money or ideas for gifts.  Please think about it as Barb & I like to get going early on this.  Pretty Please!

About 6 years ago -- longer than that, an older woman asked Kim to be her power of attorney.  Kim agreed to help.  Last week this person called Kim & wanted help.  She has an apt. at the Towers.  When Kim saw her she understood.  The woman has a bad heart & needs oxygen handy.  The she got worse, was in the hosp. & then Central Nursing Home.  She doesn't have much money so had to go on assistance but first there are many questions to be answered & Kim was called.  When she works she can't make day appointments to see people.  Kim didn't even have a key to get the necessary papers, etc.  But the social worker for Beverly, Inc. is a great help & will take care of the questionnaire, etc.  But Kim was upset so I guess it isn't always easy to be nice & help people.  The woman has a daughter in Fla & she could care less. They don't' get along.

Sun the 23rd.

The pastor wasn't in church this A.M. & we wonder why.  A retired pastor from Jamestown had the service.  He's a former Augustana Synod, & those pastors know how to preach so we receive something.

It's a lovely day & Barb is riding her bike.  A rainy, cooler week is predicted.

I'm including a cartoon that fits me to a "T".  So hard to give up those coffee breaks, plus.

Buffalo just got an interception & got a TD, thanks to Peyton Manning.  I'm sure they don't have a chance for a win.  Like Penn State yesterday.  And Coach Paterno wants his 100th win.  You were happy Wisc. won.

And what about those Mets, amazing, aren't they?

Much to my dismay, the Mets aren't on TV today.  It's been a great series with all that has happned in NYC.  "You gotta believe".

Remember Sandy Casey, your age.  Her son, in his early 20s, lost one testicle & the cancer spread to spots on his lung.  Now the other testicle has to be removed & then chemo or is it Kemo.  Right now his blood count is too low for an operation.  He has a baby around a year or so.  Not married & it sounds like the gal left & he has the child.  Betty Casey is the grandmother & we sit together in church.

Tues. A.M. the 25th.

Next letter will have an Oct. date.  Hard to believe.

Fri. Dale has to go to school for the day.  Next week he goes for 2 days.

Better get this ready for mailing.  All is well here.

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