Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, February 21, 1997

This will be a lazy day. Next week will be busy as our 6 friends come for lunch on Thurs. Have the menu planned & will get the house in order. Will have the same meal at nite when Lar & Kim come over. All of a sudden Torey is afraid of Dale - it must be the uniform - someone must have scared the god & now he barks at Dale & it makes Dale feel bad. Before he always went to Dale.

Today at 10 A.M. an electrician is coming about a new outlet box so we won't need fuses anymore.  We also need some new lines for more power when Dale uses the elec. tools.  He wants more power in the garage.  I can't use the microwave & the elec. roaster at the same time without blowing a fuse.

And I ordered new flooring for the kitchen.  Sent 1/2 the cost for the order & will pay the rest when it comes.  Next I need to call about getting the porch painted.  Dale said he'd do the garage windows & big door.  He already did the side door.  So the house will look nice on the outside.  Thanks to Edna.

We've had spring weather but it will change by the weekend.  The snow is just about gone.

Paula Carey was back again for an interview at Northwest Savings.  He has a job but needs to pass Pa Bar Exams.  They even looked at a house.  Lar & Kim ate at Jamie's last Fri nite & Paula & her husband came in & they talked.  Kim wonder why they want to come here - thinks Paula has outgrown Warren.  I think she wants to please her parents.

Do you remember Viola Seaquist - her daughter Betty Ann 59 yrs. died of cancer, due to smoking.  She had moved to Calif. 8 yrs ago to be with her children - 3 of them.  Last Sat they had a Memorial Service at church - 1 1/2 hrs & very different.  Planned by her kids.  They took her death hard.  Viola was in Calif. to help at the end.  They paid to have their pastor here for the service & he stayed at Viola's.  She had a houseful & she is 85 yrs & active.  A good group was there.  I attended the service.

Now I'm dressed, breakfasts are over.  There is a load in the washer & in the dryer.  Paid a few bills & now I'm drinking a 2nd cup of coffee.

Last nite we had halibut I got from Schwans & it was good.  Yesterday I got chicken on a roll - they sound good.  8 in a box.  Wanted to try their chicken meals but he didn't have any.  I'll get them in 2 weeks.  Their froz. peas are delicious.  Even Dale agreed & he isn't that keen on peas.  My orders are getting larger.  They are a little higher in price but since we don't eat out anymore that justifies the extra in my mind.

We called Stella & she is happy to be settled again.  Tried to call Ruth & then forgot to try again.  Maybe I'll connect this weekend.

Did I tell you Barb had more problems with her period.  She got a birth control shot the Dr tho't might help and it has.  She had a pap smear & blood test & all is well.  No cancer & blood O.K.

Should write to Gen so will bring this to an end.  When can  we expect the boys visit during the summer.  One sure thing will be a trip to Waldemeer Park.

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