Monday, August 26, 2013

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I'm watching the Mets vs. Detroit on the NYC channel.  Mets are ahead in the 8th inning. Game tied.  Home run.  Mets win!

Last week the lady across the st., in the little house, died on Mon. but wasn't found until Thurs.  We see a daughter or daughter-in-law visit.  She was 94.  I would think they'd call every day to check.

Fri. we went to the library & I got 3 books.  Vegas Heat by Fern Michaels.  She has another: Vegas Sunrise which I'll look for next.  She has a series on Texas, 4 books, which I should have read first.  They're on my list to get.  I got 2 by Karen Robards, Whispers at Midnight & Beachcomber.  I had already read Vegas Heat & Whispers at Midnight; read them again & enjoyed them just as much the second time.

Fri. nite Dale said he smelled gas outdoors.  He wasn't sure who to call as it was late in the day.  Sat. he was cleaning off the walks & the new neighbor was out so Dale asked him if he smelled gas.  He hadn't, but mentioned his wife did.  Awhile later the Gas Co. came & checked.  It was leaking by the little house & they dug there.  The door bell rang & it was the gas man & he wondered if we know how to get in contact with the owner so they could shut off the gas.  I didn't know.  I know she went to the Episcopal Church so I called a member up the street but no answer.  They found out & were able to shut it off.  When I came home from church I still smelled gas.

I hope by Easter I won't have to wear boots to church.

I was going to take a nap but Barb told me the Mets are on TV.  End of nap.

Mon. Mare. 14

Barb & I went to Jamestown.  I only bought AA, AAA & 9 volt batteries.  9V for smoke alarm. And groceries at Wegman's.  Spent most of my grocery money so I don't have to go to Quality.  Maybe we'll go on Fri. as there are a few sale items I want.

We ate lunch -- can't remember the name -- the fish place.  Davidson's.  I had a fish sandwich -- ate only the fish -- & lemon meringue pie -- one of my favorites.  Enjoyable.  Barb just had a bowl of chili -- she couldn't finish it.  It was filled to almost overflowing.  She said she should have just gotten a cup of chili.

Barb bought a mattress pad & a printer for her lap computer.  We didn't see anything interesting in the way of clothes.  Nothing new for Easter.

Tues. the 15th

The doorbell rang & it was the gas man.  He wanted to let me know there is a gas leak in our gas connection.  They are so busy but he said they'll be here to fix it.  They've been working where the little store used to be -- now the (can I use the word) Republican headquarters. Guess the pipes are wearing out.  Also a leak in the pipes of the little house across the st. Earlier the doorbell rang & it was the lady up the st. -- she & her husband were going for a walk & smelled the gas -- and wondered if we realized it.  The gas man said it's good it's winter because if it were summer we'd smell it in the house.

Thurs. aft the 17th of Mar.  Got your green on?

Today I've been shredding old bills, etc.  I let them pile up too long.  Filled 3 1/2 grocery bags with shredded paper & still have more to go, but I don't want to overheat it.  It sure is handy to have.  Lar mixes it with garbage for his -- can't think of the word -- but it turns to good fertilization.

I can't believe myself -- heated up a cup of coffee & must have pushed the wrong number. Ended up with 1/3 cup of coffee & the rest overflowed so I had a mess to clean up.  So I added more water -- result a hot cup & cooler coffee.

They are still digging & working on the gas line.

You press for the boys to make the honor roll so now know how we felt.  We knew you could do it but _________.  Finish the sentence.

Kim didn't come last nite.  She belongs to a card club that meets on Wed. evening.  I really miss Schwan's chicken.  I served chicken but it wasn't Schwan's & you could tell the difference.

When we were little girls my mother made us dresses for Easter.  By then we were usually able to quit wearing long underwear & that was a big thing.  There was always an Easter program by the children & we had to learn a "piece" & hoping it wasn't a long one to learn. My mother made our clothes thru high school.  She was a good seamstress.  I remember Millie had a friend whose mother knit her a sweater.  A pretty apple green.  If Millie left the house before I did, I'd wear that sweater & put it back before she knew I did that.  Secrets of childhood.

Dale started to get a headache last night.  When he came home for lunch, he didn't want a lot to eat.  I made him a fried egg sandwich & he always has yogurt.  He wouldn't stay home. He didn't sleep that well last nite.  After I got up to go to the bathroom last nite, I had a hard time getting back to sleep.  Took a nap this aft.

Golf is on TV so I'll watch that.  First day.  Tiger is -13 & Phil M. is right behind him at -11. Another interesting match coming up?  Time will tell.

Things are fine with us.

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