Until July 2010, when her eyesight deteriorated, my mother wrote 1000s of chatty letters during her lifetime - to her parents, in-laws, sisters, children, friends. Tho she started to write to me on a regular basis in Sept '68 when I began my freshman year at SUNY-Buffalo, it wasn't until 10 years later that I decided to hold onto them. (Very inconsistently at first, to which the big gaps between dates attest.) These are the letters transcribed, annotated, and otherwise highlighted here.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Friday, June 3, 2005
This aft. I saw the Dr. My blood tests were all good & my blood pressure wsa 130/60 & that is very good for me. It was higher last time in Feb. So I will just keep taking my meds & vitamins.
Did you happen to see the amazing catch Met M. Cameron at R.F. made. I'm sure it was repeated many times. He was running to catch a ball, tripped & fell & put out his hand & the ball dropped right in. A catch he never knew he would make. It would have been a triple for Cruz, Jr. of the Rockies. It was great. Pedro pitched a great game. When he was traded to the Mets I was n't sure about the deal. It seemed he was temperamental, etc. but he fits in great with the Mets so it's nice ot have a good pitcher.
Ask Any how it feels to slide into a base just ahead of the ball. Does he slide feet first or head first. They say feet first is better. The other way fingers or hands could get hurt. Why do pitchers keep fiddling with their caps. Taking them off & on. The only pitch I recognize is the curve ball, maybe fast ball.
Lynn will have a garage sale tomorrow (Sat) & Barb is up there now helping her. Barb folded clothes, etc. to help her during the week. She put masking tape on the articles & Lynn prices them. Having to take me to the Dr. held her up -- that's her job to take me to appointments.
Shults, Wrrn. has added Toyota cards to their selling program. Dale says they don't have enough space for all the cars now, & tools & working area.
Today I saw a spider on the stove -- went for a paper towel to kill it but Dale let it live. He has a thing for spiders. For one summer he had a spider web in the garage & kept it safe & even tried to feed it. I was a big one.
Sat. aft the 4th
This A.M. we went to Sears & before I do anything I'll see if something can be done to our washer. The salesman said they could fix this problem. I thought this would be my last washing machine.
Then we went nto Lawn & Garden as Barb needed more garden stuff.
We ended up at the Mall. The earrings Barb likes were on sale. She got 2 prs. & I got some white earrings. I got some paper supplies at theh 1.00 store. Kim says she gets all her paper supplies & cleaners there. A better buy.
Sun. aft.
While watching the Mets they said there would be a special (paper) on the Mets. So Barb got a N.Y. Times (that was the paper) but it must have been for the local area. But I found the "sun Styles " had a couple of interesting article & wondered if you read them. On p. 11 "A Bad Case of Puppy Love". It was cute. P. 3 "Love Thy Busybody". Another cute one. Stories like you might write.
This aft. I watched Pitts. beat the Braves & Pitts. took the series. They are doing well & I like Pitts announcers. The Mets were rained out Sat. so there is a doubleheader going on now 4 pm. Mets will be on ESPN at 8 pm. Mets are playing San Fran & the Mets are improving.
I see the "George" says the Yankees must improve. If they don't will there be a new mgr? Who cares, not me. Their skid makes me happy.
Our pastor was in church today -- Pastor Ray Forstrum had the service. She made an announcement. The baby is home but they can't have any visitors for 2 weeks & the baby can't go out in a crowd for 2 weeks. s We won't see her until the middle of July. She will be on maternity leave.
Wed. A.M. the 8th
Summer has arrived. There are buds on the rose bushes & the plants Barb planted from seed are coming along fine. I've sat on the front porch & it is nice to watch the birds, etc.
Did Andy notice (as of this A.M.) that Atl. & N.Y.M. are tied for 2nd place with Wn. in 1st place. Looks good to me. (Didn't last long. Fri. the 9th)
School is over on Fri. the 10th. I said to Barb "I bet Scott won't go to school on Fri." Her reply, "Oh no, he'll want to see his friends." I was right (for once) he won't go to school on Fri.
Just wrote a note to Gen to add to her birthday card. She will be 83 on Mon. She won't realize it is her birthday until John tells her. She doesn't know how old she is. It's so sad.
Thanks for the pictures. Andy looks nice in his baseball uniform. When does he start his summer job. What about Ed -- will he get a summer job.
Collins on Conewango have their home up for sale. It's probably getting to be too much for him to keep up. It will be interesting to see if it sells before Frank's does. (Across the st.) Collins keeps his property in top condition. Frank's yard upkeep leaves a lot to be desired.
This A.M. Dale asked me if I heard them painting the crosswalk lines about 1:30 A.M. (not much traffic). He said the machine was so noisy it woke him up & Barb as well. I didn't hear a thing. Am I losing my hearing -- I don't think so -- I was really tired last nite & must have been in the deep sleep cycle.
I see the Mets picked a pitcher in the draft who is suppose to be pretty good. Time will tell. A few years ago, it seems to me they tho't that about Isringhausen & 2 others but they didn't work out as regular pitchers. It seems only to happen for the Braves. Wed. aft. & I'm watching Toronto at the Cubs -- after I watched "As the World Turns" which is getting very exciting. Me & my soaps!
I took the easy way out & got pizza for supper, delivered from Pizza Hut. The one who delivered it used to work at Shults & recognized Dale's car. The Monte Carlo. He said "that's Dale's car & I want it!" More than one would like the car but he's not selling it.
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