The maze sounds very interesting.
Our electricity has gone out 3 times recently, yesterday being the 3rd time. IT's back in 15 or 20 minutes. It means changing clocks -- so we did it twice yesterday. End of day light savings.
Mon. Nov. 1
This is Dale's early week so I was up early & after getting things ready for breakfast, I started to make brownies. Why? I got a perm today & I wanted to bring some for Sheila & Sue as a late trick or treat. I'm glad to have curl in my hair again.
Barb wants to be at the polls early Tues. A.M. She thinks there will be a good turnout & wants to beat the crowd.
Dale has to go to Rochester Thurs & Fri, the 4th & 5th, for schooling. Another fellow will go with him. He'll miss Lar & Kim on Thurs. Yesterday Lar tilled the soil in the garden. Barb was pleased. She had gotten "stuff" to enrich the soil. Hopefully we'll have summer next year so the garden yield will be better.
8:07 Election Day
I'm waiting for Barb so we can vote. She wants to go early. At least we can forget the TV ads & phone calls for awhile.
Warren H. called yesterday. He doesn't have to go to the dentist on Wed. He serves a small church & a member would like Communion on Wed. as her son is home. So they asked if Thurs. would be OK. I said yes -- it will make for a busy day as Lar & Kim come Thurs. nite. I'll have the same menu with a few changes to make it easier. Like baked potatoes for one. I make a meal as it is easier than planning a luncheon.
Our voting is over. I was 145. It is a large room & 3 voting areas are in the room. Now that I've been out I don't feel like doing anything & it's not even ( A.M. I'll have a cup of coffee & that should spur me on. Maybe, maybe not.
Thurs A.M., the 4th
Last nite I awoke about 2 AM & went to the bathroom, back to sleep. Awake about 3:20. Turned over & back to sleep to be awoken by Dale turning the bedroom light on. He was ready to go -- didn't want to wake me, but afraid I'd be made if he didn't. He was right. I jumped up, fixed some snacks & he was off to pick up the other fellow in Jamestown. Now they should be in class, 8:30 A.M.
Went back to bed for an hour & got up at 6. I ate, read the paper, did dishes & wiped off the counters, moving things to do a good job. Got the garbage out, had another cup of coffee & decided to write more in this letter.
Naturally Barb was very unhappy with the results of the election. I'm sure it is the same with you folks. Already the paper writes candidates are being thought of for both parties. Please give us a little break from all the ads & calls. We still got calls Tues. aft. & we had already voted. I don't like to be interrupted when watching my soaps!!! Too bad, huh?
It doesn't look like there will be any hockey this year. The All Star game was cancelled. I like to watch that -- the skills part. They won't agree to a pay limit -- can't get the correct word.
Fri I see the dentist at 10:30 A.M. & I hope I won't have to wait too long. Lost a filling.
Back to Tues. I did do some work. The kitchen cabinets needed cleaning. I used the orange 409, spray it on, clean with a sponge & wipe it off with an old towel. Voila! A nice shine & not too hard to do. So they look nicer for company. Hollertz's don't go much for desserts. I made the Russian Tcakes, one of many names they have, as Dale like them & took some today for a snack. Fri. aft. I hope to make Spritz but I'll also make a pumpkin pie so I'll have dessert for supper. I got lazy & tried Pillsbury pie crust & it is good. I won't use it all the time, but it sure makes it easier. Esp. if in a hurry. OK so I'm lazy! Old ladies have a right to be lazy. I'm making a pie for supper -- trying the cranberry pecan pie using the Pills. crust! Better get going.
Still Thurs. Kim was more herself tonite even saying Torey is getting old. Maybe she has come to realize animals don't last forever either.
They liked the cranberry pecan pie. It is good, but the crust stuck a bit to the pan. Sometimes I grease or Pam the pan but not this time.
Three weeks from today we'll be eating turkey.