Monday, June 24, 2013

October 31, 2004

Your last letter had a question.  Maybe it isn't for me to answer but I will anyway!  "Is he deserving of having cable TV installed in his room?  You be the judge!"  My answer is Andy is a r. in hi school & that means he'll be home for the next 2 years & then off to college.  and who knows what part of the U.S. he'll end up in.  So I say put cable in his room!  You mother has spoken!  Does it cost more?  We have 7 TVs on our cable .  Of course Dad & Dale put it in themselves once we were on cable.  We pay 48.98 for cable TV & I guess we get our money's worth.  '

The maze sounds very interesting.

Our electricity has gone out 3 times recently, yesterday being the 3rd time.  IT's back in 15 or 20 minutes.  It means changing clocks -- so we did it twice yesterday.  End of day light savings.

Mon. Nov. 1

This is Dale's early week so I was up early & after getting things ready for breakfast, I started to make brownies.  Why?  I got a perm today & I wanted to bring some for Sheila & Sue as a late trick or treat.  I'm glad to have curl in my hair again.

Barb wants to be at the polls early Tues. A.M.  She thinks there will be a good turnout & wants to beat the crowd.

Dale has to go to Rochester Thurs & Fri, the 4th & 5th, for schooling.  Another fellow will go with him.  He'll miss Lar & Kim on Thurs.  Yesterday Lar tilled the soil in the garden.  Barb was pleased.  She had gotten "stuff" to enrich the soil.  Hopefully we'll have summer next year so the garden yield will be better.

8:07 Election Day

I'm waiting for Barb so we can vote.  She wants to go early.  At least we can forget the TV ads & phone calls for awhile.

Warren H. called yesterday.  He doesn't have to go to the dentist on Wed.  He serves a small church & a member would like Communion on Wed. as her son is home.  So they asked if Thurs. would be OK.  I said yes -- it will make for a busy day as Lar & Kim come Thurs. nite.  I'll have the same menu with a few changes to make it easier.  Like baked potatoes for one.  I make a meal as it is easier than planning a luncheon.

Our voting is over.  I was 145.  It is a large room & 3 voting areas are in the room.  Now that I've been out I don't feel like doing anything & it's not even ( A.M.  I'll have a cup of coffee & that should spur me on.  Maybe, maybe not.

Thurs A.M., the 4th

Last nite I awoke about 2 AM & went to the bathroom, back to sleep.  Awake about 3:20. Turned over & back to sleep to be awoken by Dale turning the bedroom light on.  He was ready to go -- didn't want to wake me, but afraid I'd be made if he didn't.  He was right.  I jumped up, fixed some snacks & he was off to pick up the other fellow in Jamestown.  Now they should be in class, 8:30 A.M.  

Went back to bed for an hour & got up at 6.  I ate, read the paper, did dishes & wiped off the counters, moving things to do a good job.  Got the garbage out, had another cup of coffee & decided to write more in this letter.

Naturally Barb was very unhappy with the results of the election.  I'm sure it is the same with you folks.  Already the paper writes candidates are being thought of for both parties.  Please give us a little break from all the ads & calls.  We still got calls Tues. aft. & we had already voted.  I don't like to be interrupted when watching my soaps!!!  Too bad, huh?

It doesn't look like there will be any hockey this year.  The All Star game was cancelled.  I like to watch that -- the skills part.  They won't agree to a pay limit -- can't get the correct word.

Fri I see the dentist at 10:30 A.M. & I hope I won't have to wait too long.  Lost a filling.

Back to Tues.  I did do some work. The kitchen cabinets needed cleaning.  I used the orange 409, spray it on, clean with a sponge & wipe it off with an old towel.  Voila!  A nice shine & not too hard to do.  So they look nicer for company.  Hollertz's don't go much for desserts.  I made the Russian Tcakes, one of many names they have, as Dale like them & took some today for a snack.  Fri. aft. I hope to make Spritz but I'll also make a pumpkin pie so I'll have dessert for supper.  I got lazy & tried Pillsbury pie crust & it is good.  I won't use it all the time, but it sure makes it easier.  Esp. if in a hurry.  OK so I'm lazy!  Old ladies have a right to be lazy.  I'm making a pie for supper -- trying the cranberry pecan pie using the Pills. crust!  Better get going.  

Still Thurs.  Kim was more herself tonite even saying Torey is getting old.  Maybe she has come to realize animals don't last forever either.

They liked the cranberry pecan pie.  It is good, but the crust stuck a bit to the pan. Sometimes I grease or Pam the pan but not this time.  

Three weeks from today we'll be eating turkey.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sunday, October 24, 2004

We didn't get your birthday pkg. mailed until Mon. the 25th so I hope it gets there on time.

Some people are so busy criticizing others they forget the Bible says "All have sinned  fall short of the glory of God."  Rom. 3:23 & in the case of the Samaritan woman "If any one of you are without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."  John 8:7.  But too many of the moral righteous forget that.  I have a new Bible the New International Bible & it is the same as you quoted.  I really like this modern version of both the O.T. & N.T.  At least something got you to read some verses in the Bible!

We went to Jamestown & are really into Christmas shopping.  It is fun.

I ordered a sweater set form Chadwick's & the sleeves are way too long & I plan to do what you did.  Wash it & hope the sleeves shrink some.

Patty Welsh Phillips is coming steadily to church with her friend & today he went to communion with her.  I hope it works out.  And John Bjorkquist is in a nursing home now. He has a bad heart & has been in & out of the hospital.  Too much for Phyllis to care for him.

Warren called Thurs. nite -- he had to see the dentist & wanted me to go to lunch with them. I told him I tried to call them & they had been visiting in New England.  He has another appt. for Nov. 10th & they will come for lunch here.  I'll use hte same menu I had for Benson's.  I couldn't go on Fri.  We went to

Barb has been looking thru all her snapshots & she has some nice ones of hte family & when Andy & Ed were little.  Ones she took.

I was glad Boston won the first game.  I went to bed so didn't see the finish.  Barb did.  And so did Marie Mathis.  She said she watched it in bed as she has a TV in her bedroom.  Good for her.  She was Dad's age, I'm sure.

I've been watching Philly at Cleveland & they are in overtime.  Cleveland has improved a lot this year, but they lost by 3 pts.

The other nite Lar said he watched "Desperate Housewives" & no one else had.  Kim falls asleep & misses it.  I'm in bed at 10 pm & Barb & Dales watches other TV.

Green Bay is winning against Dallas.  I'm sure a lot of hi fiving is going on at your house. Now I know there is they just got another TD by Ahman Green.  41-14.  And it's a home game.

I'm glad for you, that the library got most of the money they hoped fdor.  At lesat when you are busy the time goes faster.  But I guess it is nice to catch your breath now & then.

Wed pm the 27th.

I tried mixing Progresso Veggie soup with bean & macaroni.  Add paprika & it was really good.  Dale liked it.

We're hoping Boston will win tonite -- if not tonite -- another nite.  They won't give up.

I finally finished another puzzle. It is very pretty.

Thurs A.M.  Boston did it & in 4 games.  What a victory.  I felt bad for St. Louis but they couldn't tame the Red Sox.  It must be a real let down for those hitters who couldn't do anything.   I hear the Mets might choose Willie Randolph for their manager.  Wonder how that will work out.  I hope better than for the Orioles manager this past season, & I can't think of his name -- a former Yankee.

Another nice day, the 3rd in a row.  We were able to see the lunar eclipse clearly last nite.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Kim was very quiet tonite.  She left first & Lar walked Torey home.  After she left, Barb asked what was wrong.  Torey has a limp & Kim is concerned.  He is 12 yrs old & shows his age. Kim walks him more than he is able & that upsets. her.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sunday, October 17, 2004

I don't know who told Lar & Kim the food at Holiday Inn was good as 4 of the 5 were disappointed.  Only Lar enjoyed the prime rib.  When the 3 of us went there in Apr. we all enjoyed our meal.  Last nite Barb & Dale had what they had in Apr. & you couldn't recognize that it was the same meal.  Maybe because they also had a wedding reception.  But we enjoyed being together.  Barb wore new new rose jacket & a matching blouse & she looked so nice.  Her hair is starting to grow in & she is more than ready to shed her cap.

I just watched Cleveland beat Cincinnati -- it was an interesting game.

When we went to Erie Barb got 2 posters 2'x3' & she framed them & hung them in her room & they really do look nice.

Now I'm watching Pittsburgh at Dallas.  The Steelers have a rookie Q.B. & he is really good. You'll be hearing about him if he stays healthy.

I got an electric blanket for my birthday & I'm already using it & liking the warmth.

Mon. the 18th

Your letter came this A.M. & no one was home when I read it.  You're right, Paul, I was laughing when I read "Mom, you can stop laughing now" & it made me laugh even harder. So hard tears came to my eyes.  A good laugh is good for the soul, so thanks Paul.    I'm smiling as I write this.  How long will it take Andy to break you down & say yes to a 3rd car? Should I bet on it?

Barb couldn't start the van this A.M. so she walked to Bert's.  Bert let her (Barb) use her car so we were able to get groceries.  I didn't want to break up my day on Tues. as I have to wash the kitchen floor & do other things for Wed.  I've tried to call Warren & Anna but no answer.  I'll try again later tonite.  They could be visiting one of their kids.  Called to see if they could come on Wed.

Ed is too hard on himself.  I like his picture.

Lynn told Barb that she & Scott were shopping & Scott wanted to buy condoms.  Why, he said kids were taking them to school & blowing them up like a balloon.  Poor Lynn & he's not even a teenager.  He doesn't like to study & he just writers answers out of his head to get it over.  He is being tutored for an hour after school Tues. & Thurs.  Other days Barb works with him.  Bad, bad marks.

I'm watching Yankees at Boston.  Millie is rooting for Boston.  I hope Boston can stay ahead.  2-1 Boston at 7 pm, our time.  It's mute as I don't like most of the announcers.  They all talk too much -- a running conversation & half of the time it's not on baseball.

I see Green Bay won over Detroit. And the Steelers won over Dallas.  Finally a good G.B. And Wisc. is doing great in college football.  We watched on Sat.

I'm sure I mentioned Target is coming to Jamestown.  Behind the Mall -- they bot the little golf course.  They also used to have miniature golf there.  Nothing started yet -- sure hope it's true.

Tues. aft the 19th

I stayed up til 10:30 last nite watching the N.Y. vs. Boston game & it was the 13th inning.  I couldn't stay up any longer as this is Dale's early week. The 1st thing this A.M., I turned on the TV to get the scores & was happy to see Boston won.  Because the game was so long, we didn't get to see any of the Astro-Cardinal game & the newspaper said it was a well pitched game for both sides.  Astros won.  I remember their manager as a player -- he was a scrappy player.  I tho't it was ironic that Jeff Kent, former Met, won the game with a homer. He doesn't seem that well liked.

Thurs. the 21st

Happy Day.  Boston really beat the Yanks.  Now I hope they go all the way.

We had a nice visit yesterday when Ted & Pat were here.  I tried to get Warren & Anna but they didn't answer the phone.  I like it best when the 3 families are together.  Have more fun.

The problem with the van was the battery & it was under warranty.

I'm out of some of my meds so I'll ride over with Barb & walk home.  It's misting out -- that will remind me of Seattle weather.  Did we really live in Wn -- it seems so far in the distance now.  She took me home so I didn't walk.

When you get the Warren paper, dated the 20th you'll read about a big drug bust with many Warrenites included.  It was the N.W. part of the state.  The leader was from Franklin but Erie wasn't included this time.  The pictures are on the front page.  About 11 from Warren. This quiet little town!

Lynn got a book for Barb on holistic healing.  Barb has given up sweets & is on a healthy diet.  Lots of fruits & veggies -- not too much meat.  I got a turkey breast for supper tonite. Made apple crisp for dessert.

I look forward to your letters!!!

I like the D.R. chair's material.  Very pretty.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, October 11, 2004

This old lady is tired out after a busy day.  We left for Erie before 9 A.M.  Went to Target first & shopped there.  Next was lunch at the Olive Garden.  I love their soups & I had the soup, salad, & bread sticks.  Didn't appreciate the salad as it comes with dressing.  Barb had the salmon dinner & we waited awhile for hers.  I finished so I added dessert -- lemon cream cake & it was delicious.  Then to the Mall & we found a few gift & I splurged on myself. Went to Burlington Factory & looked at coats.  Couldn't find a long one I liked & Barb saw a shorter length & it looked nice so I got it.  A London Fog in a cranberry color.  The lady said a nice color for you hair.  Then to Penney's but didn't find anything for me.  Then to Kaufman's &  I saw an Alfred Dunner outfit on sale.  They are a dime a dozen but it looks nice on me.  It is a purple/pinkish tweed jacket that buttons to the neck, no collar.  and plain purple pants.   Again they lady said ti will go nice with your white hair!  Found an everyday pair of navy shoes.  Then to Sears.  Barb found a gift for Dale.  I went to the women's dept & found a pink top I liked.  Buy  one, get one free.  Knit with a neck zipper in the back -- the 2nd a bright blue.  So I did pretty well for myself.  And the Penney's order is yet to come. They are waiting for 1 item to come in.  We stopped at the grocery store for a couple of items & then on to Warren, getting home at 4:30 p.m.  Got things out of the car, had a cup of coffee & started washing my Mon. loads.  It's 8:42 & the towels are soon ready to put in the dryer.  And I made hamburgers for Dale & me.  An easy meal.  Barb finished the salmon & broccoli from lunch.  Now I'm watching Braves vs. Houston & won't see the end of the game.  Bedtime will be calling me.

Last Sat Barb & I went to the Farmer's Market & got some apples & real maple syrup.  Made pancakes & Dale likes the syrup a lot.  Might to next Sat. & get a quart -- just got a pint.

Last Fri. we went to our Mall.  Barb decided she got the wrong size blazer & she had taken off the tickets they put on, so she couldn't exchange it.  She bo't 2 more, the deep rose-pink & a med. blue & a blight blue sweater.  She liked the sweater so much, she decided to get a pink one.  But she saw a navy cardigan with a zipper, she liked better & got it.  She bemoaned the fact she didn't buy anything for herself today.  But buying 2 outdoor jackets, 2 blazers & 2 sweaters, what more does she need.  She did get a pair of p.j.'s.

When I got home today I put my purchases on the davenport so Dale could see them. He always asks "What did you buy?"

Thank you for Ed's pictures  They are so nice.  My handsome grandsons.  It's fun to see how they have matured from year to year.

The A.M. after Oct 12

I had trouble getting to sleep last nite & as a result didn't wake up until 6:47 A.M.  Dale had his shower, etc.  I jumped up & got things ready for breakfast & Dale's snack.  And I had to find out the baseball score.  Was I surprised to see Astros 12 - Braves 3.  Was I happy -- I was in 7th heaven as the phrase goes.  Poor Andy, poor Barb -- she didn't want the Texans to win.  You can guess why -- someone's home state!!

I did clean the bathroom this A.M. -- Mon's job usually.

The colors were beautiful on the ride to Erie.  Many deep reds this year.

I'm taking it easy today.

Thurs. the 14th.  Last nite I made a new recipe:  baked ziti.  I tho't I had gotten ziti but couldn't find it, so I used rotini.  It was very good, for a change.  Both Dale & I had leftover ziti for lunch.  He said "that was pretty good."  I'll make it again but I'll make sure I have ziti pasta.

I keep forgetting to call Gen in the evenings.  So I called her Wed. A.M.  The phone rang a long time before she answered.  She said something happened & it was terrible to tell.  Then she told me she was carrying something going down the cellar & she fell & hurt her side.  So she was taking it easy.  I'm wondering if John is beginning to think she shouldn't be alone & maybe thinking of putting her in a home.  She would hate that and she doesn't want anyone in her house to help her.  Something has to happen.  She can't even make herself a cup of coffee.  I have so much to be thankful for.

Barb said Bert really needed someone to be with her at all times.  She is getting very forgetful.  She needs a relative.  Another thing I'm thankful for is that I"m not alone, but have Barb & Dale at home.

Ted & Pat Benson will be coming to lunch next Wed. the 20th.  It will be nice to visit with them.  Mon. & Tues. I'llbe busy making sure things are in order.  I plan on a regular meal with chicken as the meat.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saturday, October 2, 2004

We're getting a little rain & Dale put fertilizer on the lawn.  With all the rain, our lawn stayed pretty nice this summer.

Finished the puzzle, finally.  Started another one.  The card table is getting to be a permanent fixture in the living room.

This A.M. I made apple bread for Dale's A.M. snack & dinner rolls.

During Cot. I'm planning to ask Benson's for lunch.  I'm thinking of the 13th, a Wed.  I have to make the decision & then follow thru.  I'll have chicken, scalloped pot., a jello salad, & pumpkin pie.  I saw a recipe for a different pie using Knox gelatin -- a one crust pie.

I'm starting to make a list for when we go to Erie.  Now that you aren't going to football games, maybe you can think of Christmas ideas -- gift suggestions for Barb, Dale, Lar & Kim to give.  I still plan to give gifts of cash plus a small gift to open.  We'll be starting our shopping soon.

I think I mentioned a recipe from Taste of Home.  A cranberry-pecan pie.  Kim thinks it's a good one. A different combination but should be good.

At church we have a cookie walk & soup & pie luncheon in Dec.  The 4th & I always make 2 pies & a batch of cookies.  One of the members wants to have a smorgasbord.  He's a good cook & it would be fun to go to one again.  I might (if they have it) ask Joyce O'Connor to be my guest.  Maybe I can get the family to go.

Did I write Dale's computer had a virus.  The fellow came over & it took him 2 evenings to fix it, etc.  It cost Dale $100.00  Last nite he was looking at pictures he took 3 yrs. at the Lake. On the TV & he could enlarge the photo & the color was beautiful as well as the scenery.

Sheila & Sue had a billboard put up advertising about their shop -- on the way to Jamestown. Sheila said it's very colorful to catch the eye.  I'll have to look for it the next time we go to Jamestown.  She's been in the business 21 years & Sue 27 yrs.  Sue is Dale's age.

A grade school boy was selling calendars for his school.  Title God's Earth so I don't think it was a public school.  An appointment calendar & I'm sure it goes to a good cause.  They are very nice.  $6.00.  There are Bible verses for each Sun. They are from the King James Version.  I like my New English Bible in modern language.

Sun A.M.  Last nite Barb was having a snack in the kitchen, Dale was upstairs, & I was doing my puzzle.  Then we heard the most piercing noise & we didn't know where it was coming from & it went on & on.  Finally Dale remembered he put a water alarm under the kitchen sink & it goes off if water is leaking.  It wasn't much & Dale had it fixed in no time. But, oh my ears.

We've been watching football.  Buffalo lost & I see Green Bay lost.  Dale's team Pittsburgh won & the Mets ended the season with a win.  I'm not sure whom I'll root for but I like Anaheim for the A.L. U& Minn. 2nd.  I think St. Louis should win for the N.L.  We will see.

Thurs. Oct 7

Our neighbors Dan & Sally Neizmik first had a Kerry-Edwards sign by the rose garden.  A few days later there was a 2nd sign -- Bush-Cheney.  Barb wondered what was going on. Sally & their 2 adult children are for Kerry & Dan is for Bush.  A divided household!  The USA Today -- the 7th -- has a story about another divided family.

Bert's refrigerator gave up the ghost & she had to buy a new one.  Anything new bothers her -- everything in the house can't change.

I'm enjoying the playoffs.  The only announcers I like are Joe Morgan & Jon  - his name won't come.  I use the mute button when they have 3 announcers (ESPN) & they try to outdo each other.

Lar & Kim are fine -- they'll get a new lease car on Sat. the 9th.  Same make -- an 04.  05s are in but the lease would be higher.  This one will cost more than the last one.  This time they're getting it in Jamestown -- usually it's DuBois.  Torey is getting old.  Kim cant walk as fast with him anymore.  Today they could only go as far as Big Joe's on their walk.

I won't see the end of the baseball game tonite.  It's soon bedtime & I'm ready for it.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Thanks so much for the pictures of Andy.  They are so good -- he has a nice smile.  Comparing with last year's picture you can see changes.  Your son is growing up.

I've been receiving calls & literature for hearing aids but they just go into the "circular" file.  I wonder how they got your name -- I guess you can get all kinds of info thru the computer. The info you sent on the house & families proves that.

Frank, across the st., took down the grape vines & arbor in their backyard & it looks so nice & gives more yard space.  This weekend his "ex" was helping him & today she cleared out the front corner that had grown wild with weeds.  They overplanted when they did that.  I'm sure that didn't help when people came to see the house.  They might have to cut the price again.  Faye is the one holding out.

Thurs. nite when Kim saw the 5 mum plants, she couldn't believe they were 5/10.00.  The Sat. before she got 2/10.00 & they are smaller pots.  It must have been a one-day special. They have a new principal & vice principal at Sheffield & he is not liked.  He closes his office door & does nothing.  The Vice p., a woman, does all the work.  The office sec'y has a sign on her desk M.Y.O.B. to keep her mouth shut.  He lifts weights during gym classes & showers.  A teacher who will retire next June is ready to go to the superintendent & tell him the story.  Last year he was at Warren Hi.  If he stays around, Kim is thinking about an opening at Warren Hi next year, even tho she'd like to stay put.

We enjoyed our dinner at the Fernwood.  Barb & I had the fish fry & the fish is delicious, but I'm sure it can't compare to Wi's fish dinners.  Dale had the steak-shrimp shish kabob & he liked it but it wasn't quite as good as he had before.  Maybe there was a different chef.

Betty Casey & some of her family were with her.  Sandy who is divorced, the younger sister whose name I don't remember & her husband.  Son Joe & 2nd wife.  Joe was married to Laura Hause & had 3 children with her.  They were with them today & the daughter looks just like Laura.  They started dating in 9th grade.  But it didn't last.

For once I have menus planned for the whole week.  Hope I stick to them.  Tues. is Dale's long day & it's also Bible Study at 11:15 A.M. followed by a potluck.  The pastor will be the teacher.  Dale said it would be OK with him.  It's cool enough for soup & that adds to his meal.  And I'll have snacks ready for him.  Even if he is 47, I'm still his mother & he does good things for me & I reciprocate.

The only one who caused my gray hairs was Dale. I'd tell him he couldn't go out on a school nite & he'd disregard it & go out the little bedroom, onto the roof & jump to the ground.  I know a lot of your weekends were spent in N.Y. area but I figured you had common sense & wouldn't overdo it.  Or was I one of those with my head in the sand?  Hoping for the best. After a few struggles -- if that's the right word -- I think you all turned out pretty well. Thanks to JoAnna, I know you did!

Wed. Sept 29.

Mon. when I went for my eye appts. it was cancelled, the Dr. was at a meeting.  The computer said appt. cancelled by the patient & that made me made.  Someone made an error & blamed me.  New appt. Oct 11.   Barb said that's the day we're going to Erie.  I called & said I had an appt. so it will be Oct. 25th.

Dale had a 10 A.M. appt. to have his eyes examined & he needs new lenses.  He doesn't go to the medical Dr.  Barb had an 11:15 appt. at the same place.  The lady asked if she wanted it under Dale's name & his insurance.  Barb said "He's my brother."  Dale can get time off for Dr.'s appt.

You know I would walk over the 5th to mail letters.  They took that mail box away.  I know the post man will pick up letters left by our mailbox so maybe I'll be doing that.  I'll miss walking over there.

I finally got one up on Barb.  She got groceries for me.  Costs $24.11 & I had given her $25.00.  She said I'll give you 89 cents & you'll owe me 1.00.  I didn't agree.  She even accused me of being like Scott in math.  Finally I got thru to her.  I'd give her 11 cents & she'd give me 1.00.

Scott got his grades & they were bad.  He always says he doesn't have any homework when he dos.  When he does homework he rushes thru & doesn't check.  Barb is suppose to help him & she does.  but he is very stubborn & doesn't want her telling him what to do.  Lynn cares but not enough to keep a check on his work.  And she won't tell the teachers he has ADHD or whatever the letters are.

I'm watching the Mets at Atlanta (1 pm game) & the Mets are 3-2 so far!  They did win 1 game so it's 1-1.  It's almost over & then the playoffs & World Series.  I hope St. Louis takes it all. They've been the bst all summer.  Exciting end for the N.L. & wild card.

Fri A.M.  Ready to get my hair done including a trim.  6 weeks since my perm.  Times sure flies.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sunday, September 19, 2004

I'm in a quandary -- what do I watch when the Mets are on TV as well as the Ryder Cup, where for 2 days the U.S. has taken a beating from the Europeans.  But today the U.S. fellows are doing better in singles play so I'm switching back & forth.  Maybe it's too late, tho for U.S.  It was.

Fri. Barb went to our Mall.  Barb always says I don't need anything but ends up buying a jacket to wear with jeans, etc.  A bright pink.  Nice for the cooler weather of fall.

Dale is on vacation this week.  Mon. at 9:30 he will help Barb put up clothes, a TV, & VCR & store them here.  Bert's friend from Hawaii things.

This A.M. in place of the sermon, the youth who went to Mexico to help build a house, told of their experiences.  Only the wealthy have garbage pick up, so there is garbage all around. The small house they helped build is more like a garage in the U.S.  But the people were thrilled to get it.  It was quite an experience for them.

Pittsburgh had so much rain & flooding, Fri. nite's game was postponed.  So they had a double header today & the Mets lost both games.  Another lost season again.  Will it ever change?

We could have frost tonite so I brought the fem in from the porch.

We received the L. L. Bean Christmas catalog but the one I'm waiting for is the Penneys catalog.  Lynn got hers last week, so maybe mine will come this week.  Barb looked thru Lynn's & said it was interesting.  I got the Holiday Cookbook from the Taste of Home books in Greendale, Wi.   It was so much fun to look thru & I noticed some interesting ideas & recipes for holidays, not just Christmas.

The political signs are going up.  Collins have the Bush-Cheney sign up & their neighbors, a lawyer, whose name slipped my mind, has a bunch of signs for state Democratic offices.  I'll be glad when the hype is all over.

The new bridge has really been hindered with bad summer weather & heavy rains from the hurricanes (it does have an E).  It should be near the finish but they are really behind. Wonder if the company will make any money on it.

In football Buffalo lost so Barb was unhappy; Pittsburgh lost so Dale was unhappy; Green Bay lost so you are unhappy; Mets lost so I'm unhappy.  If that's all we've got to be unhappy about, I guess we're pretty lucky.

Mon the 20th

Got your interesting letter today.  Interesting about our house.  It also had a half bathroom with the laundry area, by the kitchen.  Both Grandpa & Grandma Randolph lived with us until Grandpa died.  I don't remember much about Grandma.  When we moved in she fell down the cellar stairs & cut her head open & it took 48 stitches to close it.  It affected her mind & in the end she spent time in the hospital for the poor.  She wore long skirts & I remember the cake she made didn't taste as good as my mother's.  One morning in grade school, I guess I didn't want to go to school so I hid in the attic during the A.M.  Grandpa was still living them & he whipped me.  I went to school that afternoon!  Gen must have told one me.  When Gen was born they named her Madeline G. & because my dad said there were too many actresses' names, they went by Gen.  My dad was young when he first married to someone older than him & she died in childbirth with Millie.  She was Hulda from Hartford & had 2 sisters that never married.

I've kept a few things from you "kids" school days & that bakery trip was one.  Barb said I should sent to you -- otherwise it would be with "stuff" to go over when I'm no longer here. Are you going to keep it.

Barb & I went to CVS for my meds, to the Mall & then Quality.  At the Mall Barb got a pair of nice black pants to go with her new jacket.  I was looking thru a sale rack & found a $49.00 Liz Clarbourn blouse for $7.95.  I couldn't believe it, but it was true.  It is navy print with a small design of pineapple, glasses of juice, palm trees, etc.  Very small print but maybe people didn't like the design.  But for that price I'll wear it.

Back to the family, Ford was older when he married.  It was so interesting to read the facts.

I don't remember getting a radio but I remember the Vincents 2 blocks up Allen St. got one of the first ones & they also had an Essex car.  They had 3 kids we played with.  They always had marshmallow creme & we'd get a spoonful.  We could go into the kitchen but not the rest of the house.  It was that ways with Christiansons who had 4 daughters.  We'd sit in their kitchen & play rummy with  packs of cards.  And we'd play jacks a lot.

Barb & Dale picked up Laura's things this A.M. & Barb has them stored.  She said she'd take Dale & me out to dinner.  Dale is willing to go & will go Fri. nite.  Probably to Fernwood. Her $2,000.00 is in the bank.

We got the Penney's Christmas catalog today & it's fun looking thru it.

Concerning reading.  Remember 70+ years ago, school didn't push children like they do now. I don't remember anything but I got my library card before we moved to Hartford Ter. so I must have been reading as I was 9 when we moved -- no I was 7 if it was 1927.

Wed the 22, Rose S birthday.  We're the same age for a couple of week & then I go ahead.

Mon. Barb went to BiLo for Bert & she noticed chrysanthemums on sale 5 for 10.00 &^ they are good sized plants.  She put them on the side by the back door, & they look so nice.

I got info from Penney's -- 40% off catalog orders before the 28th.  So I sent an order for a casual jacket & matching sweater.  Jacket was 49.99 & take 40% off, that is nice.  Barb saw a sweater she liked & I ordered it -- a Christmas present.  She's in a "pink" mood as it is a bright pink.  Also ordered a pink shell to go with the sweater.   My shell & jacket are a med. bright blue.  I go for the blues.  In clothes,  not in spirit.  Too much to be thankful for to be blue.

I started another puzzle I got at KMart.  I didn't think it would be that hard.  It is.  A floral design with  lots of shades of pink.  It stayed untouched over the weekend & Mon. I started to put it together but it is a slow job.  Finally have the greens in & am working on the flowers. It also had a gazebo in the center but that was easy to put together.

Barb finally got a film developed -- some from Christmas & some of flooding at Beaty field. Barb wants me to enclose some in a letter.

Thurs the 23 - I don't know if you noticed the front steps when you were here.  They needed paint.  Yesterday Dale sanded U& washed them.  Today (A.M.) he put a coat of primer on . What an improvement.  He washed the El Camino & has it sitting in the driveway.  He said it's finished & ready to go, but there is always something he can do to make it better.  He's had a perfect week for vacation.  He doesn't work all the time - takes it easy, also.

Taury had shots because he was always biting his leg til its' bare.  Allergy shots.  Lar forgot to give him a pill at noon so Kim gave it to him at 4 pm.  That nite he woke Kim up.  She asked "Do you have to go out" & he headed for the door.  So at 3 A.M. Kim took him out so he could relieve himself.

Enough for this time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

This is Dale's long day & Barb & I wanted to go to Jamestown.  So I foxed sloppy joe & figured that would be a good lunch for Dale.  You see Wegman's gives a 5% discount to seniors on Tues.  First I wanted to go to Walmart's.  I got a bedskirt for my new bed.  I have a quilt but it doesn't cover so a bed skirt is needed.  Will press it & get it on tomorrow.  I change the position of my bed -- the head is on the wall facing the school. It gives.  It gives more room when entering the room.  I like how it looks.  Then we went to the Mall & I paid my Penney's bill.  We didn't find anything we liked at any of the stores.  We had lunch at Red Lobster.  Then to Home Depot where I got 2 window shades for the 2 narrow windows over the kitchen sink.  A light tan & they look so much better & blend with the wood.   Then to Wegman's & home by 2:45 in time for Barb to take Scott home.

We got a catalog from that Woman's store in the Boston area, whose name I never can remember.  I've been wanting a sweater set but can't find any.  I found one -- a cardigan sweater & a mock neck shell.  Chadwick finally came to me.  Barb saw an outfit she wanted -- print skirt, shell & jacket.  It's pretty but the shell & jacket are on back order.  Th e sweaters & skirt should be here by the 27th.  We got free postage 0 good til Oct 4.  We're hoping to go to Erie one of these weeks.  Maybe I can find something there.

Our pastor & her husband have an exchange student from S. America.  She was in church last Sun. Goes to Sheffield High School   She will have an interesting experience.

I made potato salad & apple pie to go with steak & green beans & Kim won't be here tonite. She has to be a Red Cross teacher as she has to renew every 3 years.  Something to do with Phy Ed.  Lar will be here.

Last nite I made a macaroni casserole for supper.  When I tasted it, it burned my mouth.  I checked the diced tomato can & it was with green chiles & they were HOT.  Even Dale said so.  It was not a large plate of food for me, plus *&ice cold water to help.

When we were at the Lakewood Mall, we visited the Bon Ton Christmas, yes, I said Christmas, store.  We each bought an ornament.  The trees were so beautiful.  One all with pink decorations.

It was nice to wish Andy Happy Birthday last nite.  I didn't think to talk to anyone else, as I was ready for bed & remembered I wanted to call Andy.  He said he was just getting in so I chose a good time.

I wonder how much rain we'll get from Ivan and Jeanne is following.  How much can these flooded areas take.  They have to take the good with the bad if you live in Fla, & area.  I'll take the snow & cold weather any time.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, September 4, 2004

I was watching golf & doing another puzzle when I needed a break.  So starting a letter is doing something different.

This A.M., I picked just about the last of the blueberries.  Maybe a large handful yet to ripen. We are enjoying tomatoes from the garden.  Also made a pumpkin pie & potatoe salad to go with hamburgers tonite.  Also corn on the cob.  We'll also have steaks either Sun. or Mon.

Barb went to Jamestown this A.M. -- she needed groceries from Wegman's.  She got some nice looking local corn there for 6/1.00.  Pretty good price.

Dale had a headache this A.M.  Wanted to go to Jamestown this aft. but he took some aspirin that got rid of his headache but left him with a "buzz" feeling, so he decided to sit in the sun & get more tan on his body.  It was his Sat A.M. to work but Shults is closed this weekend.

Boy, the Mets sure have taken a dive but they are still my team.

I've been watching the Weather Channel & feel for Fla with another storm Francis on the way. Maybe some folks will think twice before moving to Fla.

Wed. Sept 8

I was in bed at 9 pm last night.  Why so early, you wonder.  Mon. nite I couldn't get to sleep until early A.M. hours.  I did my work including washing the kitchen floor.  Also took 3 cat naps (1/2 hr) thru the day.  Today I'm well rested but lazy.  Worked on my puzzle & just finished while watching Perry Mason.  No lost pieces, either.  We're having tacos for supper & that is easy.  This aft. I made 2 batches of cookies.  Choc. chips & a new one with brown sugar, oatmeal & coconut plus the regular ingredients, so I wasn't completely lazy.  I sample them twice with coffee.

We're getting rain & the temperatures will be in the 60's.  Nice to sleep with a blanket on.

Had a letter from Millie.  She had a call from Gen who told Millie "I didn't know Barbara had cancer."  It must have been a bad day as she called many times to ask about Barb.  I don't see how Gen can be alone nights.  Lots of time they walk out & get lost.  I hope Gen stays home, & doesn't wander out.

I always read the library's Bookworm.  Interesting to read to see what is going on.  Sounds like it was an exciting summer for the library.

I had taco ingredients for lunch when you were here, but we ate out so they never got used. Barb & Dale like them & along with a salad it makes an easy meal for me to prepare.  I will freeze the leftover meat & it will make a nice & different lunch for Barb & Dale.

Dale talks a lot about Max who has a shop in Frewsburg for repairing cars.  Tonite Max stopped by to ask Dale to cut something for him.  Dale has said a lot about him -- an endless talker, divorced, a grandfather, is 43, has problems with women.  He isn't at all the picture formed in my mind.  He is short with dark curly hair & nice looking  I pictured an older man -- maybe not too neat & he is the opposite.

Thurs. Sept 9

Kim & Lar were here.  No special news.  Kim was meeting the "girls" for a nite out.  A glass of wine & talk.  The others would order more.

We had 4" of rain & some in the basement.  More cracks need to be fixed.  The ones Dale just fixed worked as no leaks there..  We got a few puddles -- imagine what homes in Fla. have to put up with.

Soon Andy will be 17!  Hard to believe.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Monday, August 30, 2004

The first day of school in Warren.  It was very humid this A.M. but is better now that it cooled off.  Can't wear new sweaters yet.

Barb will be picking Scott up -- or he'll come here & she takes him home & helps him with his studies.

Tomorrow she will have to kemo "thing" taken out.  Hope it won't make her sick as they "put her under".

You should have seen the coins Dale has collected.  He sends for the new sets of coins etc. & is getting quite a collection.  One of the girls at work had old coins from her grandfather. Dale got the first look & picked up some coins for $50.00...halves, dimes, & nickels.  He has the Sacajawea coin & the sets of the 5 coins & I forget what you call them. It came to -- proof sets.

Interruption -- The library called & found Barb's book so when she picked it up, I went to the bank &U got my Sept. check cashed.  Now I have the money in envelopes for each need i.e., food, spend, hair, etc.  The heat got to me this A.M. & I wasn't sure if I'd get to cash the check.

Gary Trembley came today & picked up the eating area seats.  As soon as he gets a couple done, he'll bring item over.  Barb already washed the bottom walls.  Dale said he'd give the floor a good cleaning.    It should look nice when they are recovered or reupholstered.

Thurs, Sept. 2

The telephone rang just as I was going to have aft. coffee.  It was Gary Tremblay saying he was ready to bring back the kitchen chairs or seats.  They are beautiful.  In telling them over the phone, I must have told them the wrong materials number as it is a light tan.  But I like it -- it looks and feels so good.  I'm glad I got it done.  It lightens up that corner.  The one color I tho't I chose was a darker tan.

Barb recovered quickly from her one day surgery on Tues.  Today she was back to work for Bert.  Bert's friend from Hawaii comes to visit each year.  And she left some clothes where she stayed.  Now she wants somewhere to store her clothes she left.  And she will pay $2,000.00.  So Barb agreed to do it.  She called Barb & was happy Barb will do this & Barb is thrilled to get the money.  She said she'll treat herself & buy something special.  She'll store them in the attic but first she will have to get rid of clothes she stores up in the attic.

Kim & Lar were here tonite.  Kim seems to be taking going back to school OK.  She wouldn't care to give up her pay check so she'll have to go with the flow.

It's getting close to bedtime & not much has happened around here.  The weather is finally wonderful.