Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tuesday, September 25, 1990

I'm watching the Mets at Montreal and they are ahead - for the time being.  Chic. is ahead of Pitts.  But I'm sure Oakland will go all the way this time.  If the Mets come in 2nd to Pitts. I'll be happy.

Tonite Barb answered the telephone and talked a bit and then said I was here so I took the phone and the caller said this was Carolyn and went on to say they had to take her mother to the hospital and it took me awhile to realize it was Signe she was talking about.  Didn't expect to hear her voice.  Signe had a high fever so she was hospitalized for tests, etc.  Still don't know too much.  And Geo. is at a nursing home next to the hosp. so he can see Signe daily.  Sometimes I wonder if the care of Geo. is getting to be too much for her.

We are enjoying the video.  Lar and Kim were over last Sun. so we showed it to them.  In the picture we noticed that Paul was swinging his arms when he was watching Andy in the water and Kim commented that Lar does the same thing and said it must be a family trait.  Later in the film Andy was doing the same thing so it must be.  I never tho't about it before.

Last Thurs. it was a beautiful day for a change so we went to Erie in the aft.  One of the stores was having a sale and I got an all weather coat - it is longer and will cover longer dresses.  A red one.  We ate at the Red Lobster.  In Sept. we have had over 5" of rain.

A couple of Sat. past we met Hollertz at Cook's Forest and it is so nice and we'd never been there before.  We had a late breakfast at a nice place that was rustic and the food was good.  We drove around and stopped to play minature golf and it was fun and it was quite different from the usual course.  We always have fun with them.

Dad cleaned out his closet and put away summer things so I decided to do the same and between Dad, Dale and me, we had several bags for the Salvation Army.  Got rid of things we don't wear any longer.

This noon we had the Senior group potluck at church and we always have lots of good food.  The program was a film on the Amish and it was very interesting.

Things are fine here.  The weather is suppose to improve so we hope that is true.  We can see the trees are beginning to get some color.

Dad called Signe at the hosp - Carolyn gave the number.  She's had tests but won't know the rests for 24 hours.

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