Monday, May 26, 2014

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I couldn't decide if I should bake this A.M. or Mon.   But Mon. is suppose to be in the 80's & this A.M. is cloudy so I made blueberry load & a pumpkin pie.  I'm down to my last 2 Danish rolls & if I'm ambitious I'll start a recipe on Sun, get up early Mon. & bake the rolls.   (I was!)

Asked Dale if he'd have Sat. off (his week to work Sat) & he said probably not.  But he did.  Seeing it is cloudy he decided to wash his car.  According to Dale you never wash  your car in the sun!

Yesterday when Warren & Anna picked me up, he said Anna didn't care where we ate (her turn to choose) so he chose the Chinese restaurant.  I like to go there because you can choose what & how much you want.  Some Chinese food doesn't appeal to me, bu9t there is variety.  While we were sitting there in comes Larry & Mike Brindis.  They go to lunch often on Fri.  Larry's treat I'm sure as Mike doesn't have much money.  Lar shook hands with Warren & Anna & talked a bit.  Warren had gotten 3 $1.00 lottery tickets, passed them out & we scraped them off & I won $5.00.  Warren gets half so I only get 2.50 but at least there was one winner, however small it was.  We have fun reading the paper in the fortune cookies.  I like to eat the crisp cooky.

Last nite Barb was ambitious.  Changed & washed her sheets.  Made her version of goulash & made peanut butter cookies using organic as much as possible.  She doesn't always eat what I prepare.  Fri. nite I ordered pizza, tonite we'll have hamburgers, etc., Sun chicken legs, & Mon. steaks.  Plan to make potato salad on Mon.

Remember what the Dr. said, "You had made surgery," so don't rush your recovery!  As you wrote, you are 56 years old!  Have to get a little motherly advice in.

Thurs. I made a fruit salad & the watermelon & strawberries tasted so good.

Barb hasn't been able to ride her bike as often as she hoped, due to the weather.  Maybe this weekend she can make up for it.

One of Kim's friend's daughter is getting married in June so Kim is hosting a shower for 15 this aft.   She plans on chicken salad, which she ordered from a store, bakery rolls, fruit salad including strawberries & watermelon, punch & an ordered cake.  So most of the food is ready made but she'd have to get the house in order, etc. so she is a bush gal.  And Sun. she'll play golf in a tournament for the dog pound.  They are building a larger building for the dog pound.  She'll be gone most of Sun -- there is a dinner when awards are given out, etc.  She'll have Mon. to rest up & then school is still (my mind wandered) will soon be over.  Kim hopes to teach 11 more years & then she'll have a 25 yr. pension.  A good money difference from 20 to 25 years.   USA is having a good series son saving money for retirement.  I'm surprised at the money debt people have on their charge cards & what they don't save.

Forgot to mention after lunch, we went to the new Dollar store in the same area as the restaurant.  Still empty spaces to fill up.  They have some good prices & everything is light, airy & clean looking.  We both shopped a bit. 

Finished my puzzle Thurs. nite.  It is such a pretty picture.  Barb started one she bought.

When we were at the Bon Ton we looked at hanging chimes for the porch.  Kim & Lar gave me one & Barb said we needed another one to balance the picture.  So we found one & the nice part they were 60% off so it was less than 10.00.  One chimes, one twirls in the wind.  We really had wind last weekend.

Time to think of lunch.

Sun. nite

I'm sitting on the porch enjoying the nice evening.  This aft when Barb was out & Dale sunning himself, I turned on the kitchen TV & watched the Mets & set my rolls for tomorrow A.M.  I can enjoy a fresh roll with my coffee.  I fixed homefried chicken legs in the oven & ended up with a hot kitchen.  Tho't we could eat in the dining room under the fan, but remembered the NASCAR race started at 5:30 pm & Dale would want to watch it.  Barb bro't a fan down from the attic & that helped a bit.

The new neighbor across the st. cleared a lot of the old shrubbery & now it is nice to sit on the porch & look across the st.

The pastor's baby was 1 year old on your anniversary.  I sent a card with a gift of money.  People were so good to us, so I felt right in doing this.  This A.M. she told me how much they appreciated it & I know she means it.

Our new organist starts next Sun.  Just hope we can keep him.  After church this A.M., we had a brief mtg. to accept a bid to paint the exterior of the church windows, trim, pillars, etc.  No problem it was OK'ed.  It will be some over $3,000.00   One bid was $8000.00.  Donald Gustafson, Jr. will do the job.  A Christmas & Easter member.

We had some extra flowers so Barb planted 2 pots & they are on the front porch.  She also planted the barrel by the front steps.  Begonias & a vine.  I got 45 cosmos plants, old time favorites, & they are on the porch with 2 begonias & a petunia plant.  They will fill out as they begin to grow.   And I see rose buds on the plants between the garage & the back door.  I love roses.

Does Andy think the Braves can catch the Mets.  I hope not!  The Mets have to give more support to Pedro M. so he can win a game after pitching so well.

Someone up the st. has to mow his lawn so I'll go inside -- out of noise reach.

Wed. last day of May!

This A.M. Barb & I went to Jamestown.  I was looking for a pair of tan shoes & ended up buying a pr. of navy shoes.  Again everything is the mule shoe but not for me.  At Sears I saw a pr. of navy low heels & I grabbed them.  Haven't seen much in navy.  I do have a pr. of tan shoes I can wear.  We didn't eat out.  Went to Wegman's & then home.

We've had the high heat & it is wearing me out.  Thunderstorms will bring cooler weather tomorrow.

This A.M. I cleaned the bathroom as I knew I wouldn't want to clean this aft.  I've been watching Hou. at StL & the score is tied in the 10th.  I don't' know why ESPN has to have 3 men in the booth & all they do is talk & tell their views.  It's on mute except for Jon & Joe Sun nites.

I haven't turned on the A.C., just have a fan in the kitchen & the ceiling fan in the D.R. 

This is Dale's early week & when he comes home he changes to shorts & sits in the sun.  He likes the heat.

Fri. June 2

Last nite Kim stayed til about 8:15, talking.  She finally realized she can't take Torey on long walks.  Just a couple of blocks now.  Think she realizes Torey is on his "last legs".  What a sad day it will be when he is no longer with us.

Earlier in the year she had mentioned 6 teachers (1 at Sheffield) had been caught exchanging porn material on their computers.  5 men, 1 woman.  Their consequences:  the last 2 weeks they are out of school with no pay.  She doesn't know if more will come -- punishment, that is, such as losing their jobs.   The one from S.H.S had finished his qualifications to became a principal & now that won't happen.  Talk about kids not thinking of what can happen -- adults surely should.

Barb is organizing a garage sale for Lynn.  Something Lynn doesn't like to do.  She started yesterday & just left to spend a couple more hours sorting things out.  Barb could be a professional organizer -- she's telling me I should be more organized.  At this late date, I think I'm pretty well organized.  Sometimes her room looks like she should practice what she preaches.  All is well here.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yolanda, Mardi's mom, called today.  She heard from Mardi & wondered how you are doing.  I told her everything was fine -- she sends you her best wishes.

Dale was home at 5:30, early for him -- he loves his job so much.  Ha, ha!  After a little rest and is now cleaning his car. In the summer he doesn't want to eat til 8 pm.  So his dinner is in the fridge.  I was eating when he came home.  Barb went to Wegman's, after she was through with Scott.   She will take care of her meal, most likely a salad.  Dale will eat at 6 pm on Thurs. when Lar & Kim come.

We will have beautiful weather for Memorial Day weekend.  Finally it is warming up.  I can put a lighter blanket on my bed.  I've been using my elec. blanket thru the first part of May Y&^ the furnace has been coming on.  Now no more for awhile, I hope. 

Buffalo is one happy city because of their hockey team.  For people who can't get or afford tickets, they can watch the game in a big screen set up in one of the parks.  It will be a nice night to be outside.  They are charging 2.00 & the money goes to a charity, mostly likely a soup kitchen.

For 2 nites Barb took the flowering plants inside because we might have a freeze.  We didn't but she didn't ant to take a chance.

I'm enclosing 2 coupons you should be able to use.

I don't remember much about Mother's Day.  A couple stand out.  Once Dale gave me a miniature loving cup saying "World's Best Mother".  I still have it.  I think he got it for me because Jeff Y. was getting one for Sylvia.  Next was when you all were gone & Dad gave me a pretty silver necklace.  I mentioned I liked it but never tho't he'd get it for me, so I was surprised.

One of my favorite meals is meat balls or loaf, scalloped potatoes & green beans.  Dale also likes it.  He is pretty good to like most of my meals.  Once in awhile there are "duds", esp. if I try a new recipe.  Then I throw that recipe away -- it won't get used again.

The obit in today's paper listed Joanne Scordo, but didn't have a full obit.  I'm sure she was the phy ed teacher's wife.  You remember Mr. Scordo.

Had my teeth cleaned yesterday.  My dentist wasn't in so the gal checked my teeth & didn't see anything or such.  Dr. Walters is my dentist. 

I almost forgot -- Last week's subway series in NYC.  The Mets took 2 out of 3 & should have won all 3.  It was exciting.  Sun. nite I stayed up way past my bedtime.  I had to see if the Mets could hold their lead & they did.

Mon. Nite I watched N.Y. Yankees at Boston on ESPN & tonite is the 3rd game in the series on ESPN.  It seems like ESPN is the Yankees' personal TV station.  They seem to be shown all the time.  Maybe I'm just jealous.  I don't see the Mets that often.  I root for Boston.  Big surprise!!

Yesterday I called Larry & wished them a Happy Anniv. & said they'd get their card on Thurs. when they are here.  Torey is showing his age -- doesn't like to walk much anymore. 

Dale said starting in Aug, their checks from work will be direct deposit into their banks.  Some guys aren't happy with the move but I guess it is easier in the office.  It doesn't bother Dale.  He doesn't need his paycheck like married guys do.  Some guys, when they get their pay, spend the nite in the bars getting drunk.  I'd hate that if I were the wife.

We'll have some good meals over the holidays but not much going o.  Barb will ride her bike, & most likely Dale will start his sun tanning.

Patty Welsh Phillips gets married this coming Sat.  2pm at church.  I'm very happy for her -- he seems like a nice fellow.  Comes to church with her & works in the same office she does.  He must be divorced as he has a son.

John Wertz, a classmate of Barb's shot himself in front of his wife.  They lived next door to Betty Casey on Dartmouth St.  She said that caused a lot of excitement on her street.  Tough on the wife.

Fri A.M. the 26th

Just home from getting my hair done.  Hollertzs have to come to Wrrn, so they'll pick me up for lunch.  Later Barb & I will to go the Mall.

This is your busy weekend. Kim is busy also, hosts a bridal show3er for a friend's daughter on Sat.  Sun she is up early to play golf -- benefit the new bldg. for stray animals, etc.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sunday, May 17, 2006

The Mets came on at 8 pm & they are at St. Louis.  I washed my face, etc. so I can stay up until 10:30 & then go to bed.

I'm enclosing Chiodo's menu.  We really enjoyed our dinners.  Barb especially.  It was a special for Mother's Day he doesn't have on the menu very often.  Usually she has some complaint about the food.  Not this time.  Dale & I had sandwiches with my pork leftover -- huge servings -- & it was good.  Dale really liked it.  He said his ribs had a "woodsy" taste he didn't like that much.  Kim tasted Lar's & really like it & she's not a big meat eater.  We were all satisfied -- except.  There was a Pentecostal group having dinner & they had a 20 min or so musical presentation, guitar, elec. which they didn't need in a small area.  It was hard to talk above the music.  Then they had testimonies abut how hey came to fat.  They should have chosen a private dining area or had it catered.  I'm surprised they chose a place that serves alcohol but things can't be perfect.

Am also enclosing a picture of the '56 flood.  Barb tho't you'd be interested in seeing it.  Someone must have given it to Dad.  Before the dam was built.

Called Millie last nite -- she is not I ha flooded area just a lot of rain.

Linda is in Chicago this week.  (I didn't realize he retired 3 years ago.)  Last Sun A.M. when she got back from breakfast there was a note saying call your neighbor.  She couldn't imagine why.  She found out 6 cars in her neighborhood sitting in the driveways were damaged -- windows broken, scratches, etc.  She has a garage but doesn't use it in the summer.  Bet she wishes she did now.  It will be repaired.

Noticed in the USA Today state news that your ex friend Chuck Chvala now has "home detention as part of his 9 month sentence".  It is a sad situation.

My puzzle is slowly coming together.  I like this one & will finish it.  Might take 2-3 weeks but who is in a rush.

Dale gave me an impatiens hanging plant & yours & his are on the front of the porch facing n. yard & then decided on the porch facing E.  Hope I have my directions straight.  The flowers look so nice. 

You asked if I could find the church & parsonage on the G. F. map you sent.  I'm not sure I can.

Fri.  Just got back from getting my hair done.

Barb said Scott showed her some porn pictures & a bad poem he got on his computer.  She told Lynn & when Lynn confronted him he showed a stick figure instead of the real thing.  So Barb had a talk with Scott & he got rid of the porn.   He is smart enough to find that but not smart when it comes to studying.  He doesn't want to be a nerd.  Crazy kids.  Scott can't keep things to himself (which is good) & tells Barb instead of his parents.  He doesn't want to get yelled at.

Mets vs. Yankees at Shea this weekend.  Hope the Mets hitters show up for these games.  All are on TV.  N.Y., Fox, & ESPN.

All is well.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Oh no!  No TV.  It is all "snow".  Something needs to be fixed & I hope it is fast.  It happened as I was doing dishes -- rather pots and pans.

Last Fri. nite the Braves were at the Mets & on TBS, so I was in front of the TV hoping for a fast game.  Just the opposite -- it went 12 inning before the Mets won & I stayed up.  Dale didn't work on Sat.  When I got to bed at midnight I couldn't fall asleep.  Up at 1 A.M. to go to the bathroom & then I slept fitfully til 6 A.M.  Made myself stay in bed til 7 A.M.  Another interesting game on Sat. & the Mets lost today big.  It was a crazy game.

Sat. A.M. there was a box & Barb tho't it was for Dale but it turned out to be my Penney's order.  It was behind the glider & beet it come on Fri. when we were out so he put it out of sight.  I got a longer lace tablecloth & I like it.  It's on my table.  The chair pad & back are thicker but maybe it will flatten out a bit.  I like it -- it makes me sit up straighter.

Warren H. called today.  He has a 1:30 dentist appt. so they'll come at 11 A.M. & we'll go out to lunch.  After the dentist appt. are over, I'll probably not see them so often.  It's an hour trip one way.

Last Ts. we had some overripe bananas so I decided to make a banana cake with a recipe from Ethel Johnson.  The first time I made it, it came out so nice -- this time I was disappointed.  Not light & nice.  We still ate a piece.  This week I make a carrot cake for Lar's birthday.  I'd better do a good job on that.

Did you notice the Buffalo hockey team made the playoffs & are in the 2nd division after beating Phila.  Now they play a Canadian team, & won the 1st game.  It is Ottawa.  Go Sabers!

I haven't taken the elec. blanket off the bed yet as it cools off after midnight.  Turned the furnace off for a couple of days but yesterday I was cold so turned it back on.  It went on this A.M., but not during the day.  The gas bills should be lower during the summer.  Gas bills at church have surely wrecked their budget.  I'm sure many churches have that problem.

May 9th Tues.

We had a nice lunch yesterday.  Warren & Anna picked me up at 11 A.M. & we went to Perkins.  His appt was at 1:30 so this time we ate first.  I always have a good time when I'm with Warren & Anna.  I got my Mon. chores done in a hurry.  Just before I left, I put the 3rd load, the towels, in the drier.

We put off grocery shopping til today.  And then I forgot to get carrots even tho it was on my list.  But Barb bought some bagged lettuce & when she went to use it tonite, it wasn't that good, even tho the date was 5/15.  She plans to return it & then she can pick up carrots for me.  Need them for the cake I have to make.

I'm watching the Diamondbacks at Pittsburgh & Pitts. is ahead 1-0 after 1 inning.  Wonder how long that will last!  Jim Leyland is doing OK with the Detroit team.

At lunch yesterday, I had an omelet with a blueberry muffin & they are huge & very good, the muffin.

Sat. May 13

Thank you for the beautiful Mother's Day plant & the cards.  They are appreciated very much. The plant is already hanging on the front porch.

Yesterday I had a nice visit with my friends. They have a nice luncheon menu & of course the fellowship is great.  We plan to meet at Holiday Inn on July 7th.  This way I can go.

Larry had a nice birthday.  The menu was steak & baked pot,. tossed salad & carrot cake for dessert.  Your gift didn't arrive til Fri. so we'll give it to Larry tonite.  We are going out to eat to celebrate Mother's Day.  We're going to Chiodi's, my choice.  We get a nice dinner there. Have a 7 pm reservation.

Dale worked this A.M., Barb is riding her bike & I'm watching TV.  Barb gave me a new puzzle so I started working on that.  This A.M. I made a blueberry bread.

We're getting much  needed rain but no rain so far today.  It is sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny.  Things are really growing now.

We didn't go to the Mall this Fri or Sat. so this won't be mailed til Mon.  I could mail it by the Post Office but it isn't collected 'til Mon. so there is no difference.

The boys' car is so cute.  Yours very meaningful.