Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, May 13, 1995

Lunch is over & I'm watching Perry Mason & will write a letter.   I've been lazy today & have done only the necessary, such as make beds, 2 loads wash, etc.

Thanks so much for the pictures - they are so good.  What handsome sons & grandsons.  We'll be glad to see you all but I find it hard to believe Andy & Eddie want to be here 3 weeks as it doesn't seem to be an exciting stay but we try to do some things to make it more exciting - miniature golf, swimming, etc.  So as long as they're happy so am I.  It will be great having them.  I wish I could find an inexpensive 2nd-hand bike.  No Cap store this time but a card store - if it's still there by then.

We also celebrated Lar's birthday yesterday.  They came for a 6 pm dinner & I had Lar's favorite.  Cornish hens.  This time I split them & they came out so good & delicious as well.  A carrot birthday cake.  Got 2 hanging plants - 1 from Dale, 1 from Lar & Kim.  Altho I haven't sen them yet as last nite it was to get down to 29 - ditto tonite so Lar tho't they'd be better off in the greenhouse.  Hopefully I can hang them out soon.  Can't remember the name of the flowers.

Forgot to ask you if you got the pkg. & did the shirts fit Andy.

That was some meal you described.  A lot of work went into it.  You must have been filled when you were thru.

I've been picking dandelions - trying to get them out of the lawn.  At least they are easy to get up because of the damp ground.  Haven't gotten to the side of the house facing west.  Filled a couple of pails already.

Forgot to mention Barb gave me a prettily decorated grape vine wreath.  Want to hang it in the living room.  Remember Mr. Grimm, math teacher, his wife has a place where she sells - wreathes & other decorative items.  They live next to Lynn & that is where Barb got it.  He plans to retire this year & they might sell their home.

I heard about an author new to me - Richard North Patterson - & I got one of his books "The Lasko Tangent".  An old one from 1979.  Not really into it yet but it sounds good.  Also got one by Sidney Sheldon & I like him as an author.

Now it's time for "As the World Turns" so I'll give it my full attention.

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